38lbs. – 20″tall
Cartier is out of lines I’ve had in my kennel for over a decade. She is part of the 2nd litter I kept between Coco and Crumpet. I had kept a litter over 5 years ago and had great success with these puppies so before Coco was retired, I had one last litter to keep these amazing lines around a bit longer. These lines have proven litter after litter, to be healthy, well tempered and have made lovely family dogs!
Cartier is named after the designer, because what name would suit this girl more?!
Her name is synonymous with open-mindedness, curiosity, freedom, sharing and excellence. She is a dog you could walk down the streets of Paris, and everyone would turn around to take a second glance. She is a confident dog who loves to strut what she’s got as she prances along with her owners. She knows she is capable of anything she puts her mind to. No challenge is to big or small. She takes training to a new level. As a kennel dog we haven’t taught her many commands but the few we have taught her she picks up on instantly. She could be a super dog if she was trained in the circus! She is extremely intelligent and works hard to please. We kept her entire litter for our breeding program, and she is mama bear out of the litter. As a puppy she was the calmest of the litter and the most in control of her actions. She would take it upon herself to make sure every other puppy was OK and if one seemed to be excluded, she would always go over to play with it or bring it back into the pack. She has a very caring and protective personality. She is a mentally strong and confident dog. She is a very secure dog in her own skin. The other dogs respect her.
I’m excited to share her wonderful pups and bits of her amazing personality through her puppies with the SwissRidge family!
The pictures above are maternity photos of Cartier which where taken just before she had her first litter. I will update this page with new photo’s when she gets her beach body back!
42lbs – 19.5″ tall
Ferris is a female Standard Poodle out of the most recent Coco x Crumpet litter. We bred this litter exclusively for our breeding program and kept all 9 sisters and brothers. I’m pleased to announce all her brothers and sisters passed their health clearances which shows these lines have great genetics in both their vertical and horizonal pedigree.
The best words to describe Ferris are sweet, lovable, social, and friendly with all dogs, loyal to her owners but reserved with new people and new surroundings.
Out of all the pups in Ferris’s litter she was the more docile and reserved puppy. She has a very sweet and gentle nature like her mother Coco. Ferris was with one of the imprint trainers as a puppy and went through Lucas’s online training course. Her imprint trainer said she is extremely intelligent and loves to learn. She said she picked up on training so quickly and excelled in the course. Most often Ferris would prefer a hug or a pat as a reward for doing a good job over a treat. Ferris loves to please and will try very hard in anything she does so her people will be happy with her.
Ferris is an extremely social and outgoing dog in a pack of dogs. Her social calendar is always booked, whether she’s frolicking with her furry pals in the play yards, engaging in play or cuddle time with the employees, going on off leash hikes or swimming in the pool (which she doesn’t love but she is getting used to). She thrives on companionship and enjoys every moment spent with all her doggy friends and people she knows and loves.
Don’t let her playful and outgoing demeanor fool you; Ferris is a connoisseur of cuddles and affection. Once she warms up to you, she wants to by your side at all times. However, entering Ferris’s inner circle isn’t an instantaneous process. With new faces and unfamiliar surroundings, she adopts a reserved stance, requiring a bit of time and patience to build trust and earn her affection. Yet, the reward of witnessing her gradual transformation into a trusting and affectionate companion is well worth the investment.
Ferris has a dual personality when it comes to energy levels. Outdoors, she’s moderately active, bouncing around and playing with lots of enthusiasm. Indoors, she shifts into relaxation mode, adapting to the laid-back atmosphere of her home. She loves to sit or lay in your lap for a massage but is not pushy about it, she just wants to be near you. Like most poodles, Ferris is very agile. Due to her ease to learn, willingness to please and athleticism she would probably make a good candidate for agility courses.
It’s this balance that makes her an ideal companion for various lifestyles.
One of Ferris’s favorite things is the grooming room and being groomed. She is always ready for a bath and the love and affection that comes along with that, she dashes towards the grooming room and leaps onto the grooming table at every opportunity.
On pack walks Ferris is very well-behaved. While her friends may sprint past, Ferris remains faithfully glued to your side. It shows how loyal she is and how she loves her people.
All in all, Ferris is a very sweet and loyal dog that brings just the right balance of playfulness and relaxation to the people and canines around her!
51lbs. – 18″tall
I have always had a difficult time finding poodles from breeders that I would want to add into my breeding program. I seek puppies whose parents have been health-tested for generations, who are well tempered, and who possess the look and structure that are important to better my breeding program. Meeting all of these criteria has been a difficult task. Whenever I thought I found the perfect addition, there was usually a reason I couldn’t add them – either the puppy didn’t pass my strict health testing, their temperament wasn’t just right, or they didn’t grow up to be what I expected. Some may say I’m a bit too selective when adding dogs to my program. I raise a lot of dogs, but only a few actually make the cut.
I decided to breed a litter of poodles for myself. I choose 2 of my most prized poodles Coco and Crumpet. They had a beautiful litter, all of which I kept for my breeding program. Ayhoka was one of these puppies.
This is the 2nd litter of poodles I have kept out of this pairing. I had kept a litter 5 years ago and have had great success with these puppies so before Coco was retired, I had one last litter to keep these amazing lines around a bit longer. These lines have proven litter after litter, over almost one decade to be healthy, well tempered and they have made loving family dogs!
Here is a little more about Ayhoka’s personality!
Ayhoka is one of those dogs that gets lost in the crowd. Which I would say is a good thing because the dogs that stand out usually stand out for a reason. She is quiet, can be reserved at time, always on her best behavior and never starts trouble. She listens well (when we need her to come inside) and sets a good example for other dogs around her. She is like “mama bear”. She is very cooperative and likes to please. She gets along with all the other dogs and never starts any type of trouble. She is part of the “good girls club”.
She is affectionate but on her own terms. I wouldn’t say she is the most affectionate dog in the kennel. She picks and chooses when to give affection. She adores people she knows but it can take her a few moments to warm up to new people. All in all she has a very sweet and easy going personality and I look forward to sharing her puppies with families around the globe!
37.5lbs. – 20″ tall
Viola is out of lines I’ve had in my kennel for over a decade. She is part of the 2nd litter I kept between Coco and Crumpet. I had kept a litter over 5 years ago and had great success with these puppies so before Coco was retired, I had one last litter to keep these amazing lines around a bit longer. These lines have proven litter after litter, to be healthy, well tempered and have made lovely family dogs!
Viola is an energetic, lively girl with a zest for life. Viola is a girl who mirrors the energy in the room. She is the dog who would be happy to sit on the couch and watch movies on a rainy day or spend the day outside on an adventure. Whatever you want to do she wants to do it with you. Although she definitely needs her daily exercise, Viola LOVES to snuggle. When Viola went to the vet for her Health Clearances, she sat on the couch between two of my staff and took turns laying in each of their laps, giving kisses and patiently waiting for her turn.
Viola loves to hold things in her mouth, whether this be a toy, a blanket, your pant leg or causally removing something from your pocket she likes to hold it in her mouth and present it to you, proud of her findings. Even though she is a poodle she has retriever like qualities! Viola loves to go for pack walks in the forest with her sisters. She always runs to the very front of the pack but always makes sure to come back and check in every once in awhile. Viola is a very fun, adventurous and loving girl. She has a social and outgoing personality and is everyone’s best friend. Many of the pups in her litter have similar characteristics and this is exactly the type of dogs I love to add to my breeding program. Fun, social and bubbly are great words to describe her personality!
44 lbs. – 21″tall
Lola was bred and raised at SwissRidge kennels. Her parents are Coco and Crumpet. She was the last litter Coco had before retiring.
These lines fall nothing short of amazing. We kept all the puppies from this litter for our breeding program and all of them passed every health clearance (Ford, Ahyokah, Cartier, Dior, Ferris, Frannie, Lola and Viola). This is actually our 2nd breeding between these two. We did it once before in 2015 and also kept all the pups in that litter. They also passed all their health clearances and have been producing amazing temperaments, healthy and gorgeous pups for us over the years. Pups from the 2015 litter where (Annie, Cadbury, Emma, Sundae, Hershey, Grommet and Hanky). You can find many people on our SwissRidge facebook page who have incredible puppies out of these lines!
Lola is a very spicy, spunky, active and outgoing girl. She is full of love, life and adventure. There is never a dull moment around this girl! She is a social butterfly, taking every opportunity to explore her environment, play with her doggy friends and hunting down humans for extra pets and love! She is a happy dog, her tail is always wagging and she is as happy as they come. She always has a positive attitude. She is either wanting to play with the other dogs and my employees or she is trying to outsmart everyone! She has a love for life! She has a bit of a dramatic side to her. If she doesn’t like something she will let it be known to everyone around her.
All in all she is a great pup that would thrive with active people who want a bubbly and fun dog! Watch her video below to see a little more insight into her personality!
39lbs. – 20″tall
Dior is a stunning red and white standard poodle, her vibrant coloring turns heads wherever she goes! Comments are made all the time like “what a beautiful dog” and “I’ve never seen a poodle with such gorgeous markings”. I have always had a difficult time finding poodles from breeders that I would want to add into my breeding program. I seek puppies whose parents have been health-tested for generations, who are well tempered, and who possess the look and structure that are important to better my breeding program. Meeting all of these criteria has been a difficult task. Whenever I thought I found the perfect addition, there was usually a reason I couldn’t add them – either the puppy didn’t pass my strict health testing, their temperament wasn’t just right, or they didn’t grow up to be what I expected. Some may say I’m a bit too selective when adding dogs to my program. I raise a lot of dogs, but only a few actually make the cut.
I decided to breed a litter of poodles for myself. I choose 2 of my most prized poodles Coco and Crumpet. They had a beautiful litter, all of which I kept for my breeding program. Dior was one of these puppies.
This is the 2nd litter of poodles I have kept out of this pairing. I had kept a litter 5 years ago and have had great success with these puppies so before Coco was retired, I had one last litter to keep these amazing lines around a bit longer. These lines have proven litter after litter, over almost one decade to be healthy, well tempered and they have made loving family dogs!
Dior has a very affectionate and outgoing personality. She has been raised and lived with one of my employees for the first 9 months of her life. Her entire family fell in love with Dior. Her spunky, fun and social personality would win anyone’s heart! She is the type of dog that loves everyone. She is very playful, goofy and is very spirited. She has spring in her feet when she plays. She can leap over other dogs in the yard with little effort. She is an extremely happy dog and is everyone’s best friend. She gets along with all the dogs and just wants to play 24/7. If you are having a bad day some cuddles from Dior will make everything OK! Dior is a doll! Extremely affectionate, social and playful are the best words to describe her. Check out her video to get an idea of her personality.
45lbs. – 23″tall
Petunia is a 3rd generation poodle born at SwissRidge! She is a standard poodle out of Sedona and Grommet. I also own Petunia’s grandparents Coco and Crumpet and I also own many of Petunia’s uncles and aunts. I kept four puppies out of Petunia’s litter – Freya, Petunia, Tallulah and Leida. All of Petunia’s sisters, aunts and uncles, parents and grandparents have passed vigorous health testing. These tests can be viewed on all their individual pages on my website. This is amazing because Petunia not only comes from health tested parents and grandparents but you know all the dogs in her vertical pedigree have passed all their testing (all the ones we have tested anyway which is A LOT)!
Petunia and Freya are the twins of the litter, they went to imprint training together as puppies and have really become SwissRidge’s thing 1 and thing 2. They are best friends and do everything together. They are almost identical in looks and personality. Petunia is a perfect mix of her parents. She is fun, confident and playful like Grommet and loving and sweet, with a sensitive side like Sedona. Petunia is the kind of dog that could be placed with any family. Although she can be extremely outgoing at times and requires a good amount of exercise she also knows when it is time to relax and is happy to lay down and be pet. When we take her out of trail walks she hops through the fields like a rabbit. It is especially comical when the hay field has grown 2 feet and she leaps through the hay like she has spring on her feet. She reminds all of us at the kennel of Tigger the tiger. She is an extremely happy dog and never has a down day. She always wants to play with anyone that will play with her. If one dog or person will not play she politely moves on to see if someone else will play with her. She will always brighten your day as she is so full of love and happiness. On pack walks she is often found tagging along with the people just slightly behind or ahead. If she gets too far ahead with the pack she is always the first to come back and check in. Petunia recently had her first litter of puppies and was an incredible first time mom. She kept her puppies clean and well fed and was extremely loving and protective over them.
40.5lbs.– 22″tall
Tallulah is a 3rd generation poodle born at SwissRidge! She is a standard poodle out of Sedona and Grommet. I also own Tallulah’s grandparents Coco and Crumpet and I also own many of Tallulah’s uncles and aunts. I kept four puppies out of Tallulah’s litter – Freya, Petunia, Tallulah and Leida. All of Tallulah’s sisters, aunts and uncles, parents and grandparents have passed vigorous health testing. These tests can be viewed on all their individual pages on my website.
Tallulah is the most sensitive, submissive and lower energy out of the four sisters. Tallulah is not the kind of dog who likes to roughhouse with the other dogs in the yard and is often the first one to roll over and show her belly to the other dogs. This means, “I mean no harm and I’m submitting to you”. She is easy going and loves to please all dogs and people alike. She is most like Leida but Leida is a bit more bubbly in nature then Tallulah. Tallulah does have a fun personality though, she is goofy, bouncy and playful. Tallulah likes playing with toys in the yard and the smaller dogs, as long as they do not rough play. She is very smart and loves to train for treats. When you get out the treats she will often start performing tricks before you ask her in order to try and get the treat quicker! She is such a ham! Tallulah is very mother like even when she doesn’t have puppies she likes to watch over the smaller dogs and make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is having a good time. You will often catch her in her kennel licking her friends and helping them keep clean. Tallulah is very loving and affectionate and would rather sit by your side in the play yard and watch over the dogs then be out playing. She loves to be with people. Tallulah has had a litter of beautiful pups! Every time you feed her puppies she likes to sit on your lap or lay between your legs to make sure she is getting her fair share of attention too. Tallulah is the kind of dog that could be placed with any family, old or young. She is gentle natured, loving and affectionate and has produced some amazing puppies thus far!
40lbs. – 23″tall
Freya is a 3rd generation poodle born at SwissRidge! She is a standard poodle out of Sedona and Grommet. I also own Freya’s grandparents Coco and Crumpet and I also own many of Freya’s uncles and aunts. I kept four puppies out of Freya’s litter – Freya, Petunia, Tallulah and Leida. All of Freya’s sisters, aunts and uncles, parents and grandparents have passed vigorous health testing. These tests can be viewed on all their individual pages on my website. This is amazing because Freya not only comes from health tested parents and grandparents but you know all the dogs in her vertical pedigree have passed all their testing (all the ones we have tested anyway which is A LOT)!
Freya and Petunia are the twins of the litter, they went to imprint training together as puppies and have really become SwissRidge’s thing 1 and thing 2. They are best friends and do everything together. They are almost identical in looks and personality. We have learned to tell them apart but I’m sure the average person would have a hard time when they are running around the fields. Freya is a free spirit, she is energetic and fun. Freya loves to go for pack walks and loves running through the long grass. She makes us laugh because she goes into the long grass and you see her head spring up with every leap she takes. Her and her sisters will do this in tandem. After a long walk through the trails, most dogs are ready to have a nap, but not Freya. She is always willing and ready to go out again for another walk. Freya is an athletic, fun and happy dog and would excel in any type of agility. Freya is very patient and if a kid was crawling around her or pulling at her ear she would care less. She has a very easygoing and lets things roll off her back personality. As fun and energetic as she is, she always takes advantage of any and all the love she can get and loves to give kisses. Freya would be the perfect family pet for families with kids of any age and activity level and I am confident her puppies will be the same way!
SwissRidge Poodles

We wrote the first book on Bernedoodles

This comprehensive, easy-to-read and entertaining book covers everything you need to know about this amazing hybrid. Since Bernedoodles can vary significantly in size, build, coloring, and even personality, prospective owners need advice from someone who knows the breed inside out. Who better than the breeder who created them?
Pawsh Magazine – “… insightful tips for finding the right breed and puppy for your family dynamic.”

Thinking of adopting a SwissRidge™ puppy?
Often people will want one of my dogs because they are irresistibly adorable. Please take the time to consider if this breed is the right choice for you and your family. Click the link above to answer some questions to help you see if our doodles are the best match for you.