Teddy is a Mini Goldendoodle out of Daenerys and Milo. He was born on April 1st. He comes with 4 months of training and is ready to go to the USA October 1st, 2024. He has learned the commands sit, down, come, stay, leave it, watch me, place and walking on a leash. He is being house trained and has been crate trained. The trainers also do handling exercises with the puppies and get them used to grooming. He is microchipped, up to date on vaccines, dewormed and comes with a 2 year health guarantee. Both his parents have all their required health clearances which can be viewed on our website.
You will receive weekly updates while your puppy is in training. At the end of training you will receive a final report, with a schedule, along with training videos showing everything your puppy has learned. You will also receive an in-depth training course for yourself. This way you can learn how your puppy was taught and keep up the in-depth training they have received. This course is valued at $1350 and is only included with our pups that come with training. It is sold as a separate package with all other pups!
Here is a little more information about Teddy’s personality from the trainer!!
Teddy is a sweet, willing and laid-back pup with a very balanced temperament. He loves to play with his imprinting friends and engages in play with my older and bigger dogs as well, but after about 10 minutes of running around with one another you will usually find him off to himself chewing a toy or taking a nap. He loves to train and has great food drive, coming out of his shell and bringing out an excited side of him where he dances around between commands. He is curious and enjoys venturing off to explore his surroundings and sniff around. I would say he is more on the independent side but does enjoy being around people and will happily take pets and cuddles when offered, however he does not often seek them out. He is great with self soothing activities like chewing bones which he loves and going for walks to explore different sights and smells. He carries some submissive traits however he has been positive towards different settings and with meeting new people. He is happy to interact with people and sits nicely to take in the pets and compliments from strangers. He is doing well with potty training and has not had issues with accidents. He does well in the crate in certain areas of the home which we are generalizing to both high and low traffic areas. He is a quiet pup in general.
Teddy would do well with a family who wanted a very sweet and easy going puppy.