Abbie (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Murphys
Salem, MA
“Abbie is just awesome! She is such an amazing pup! At just over 16 weeks, she weighed in at 17 pounds and is perfect in every way! Since day one she is doing everything and anything to win over the rest of her pack. She and our youngest pup, Gibbs (born in 2014), are great playmates. Raglan (born in 2011) and Sula (born in 2013) still keep her at a paw’s distance away, but are warming up to her puppy ways. She is so precious and she knows when to turn on the sweetness, especially when she is trying to melt Sula’s icy heart!
Abbie’s temperament is just PERFECT. She is willing to approach and please all around her. She is never the aggressor and is always willing to bow out for a more dominant dog. Out in the neighborhood, she is not afraid of loud noises, traveling cars and trucks, or loud trains passing by. She is also very intrigued with the 25 some odd feathered friends we have in the backyard! I could not be happier with our choice to add a SwissRidge Doodle to our growing pack. We feel so blessed to have the first ever pup that came out of ALL of Sherry’s hard work and efforts in the development of the perfect family member.
When I heard that Sherry was introducing a ‘unique SwissRidge hybrid,’ I knew I had to get on the list. Sherry has given so much to our family with the three beautiful pups we had already adopted from her. I could not pass up on having a SwissRidge original. I had also heard about funeral homes using therapy dogs to help families, and since my husband is a Funeral Director I thought this would be the perfect pup to help him and his clients.
This breed from what I can see over the past few weeks is amazing. She is very smart and willing to please. She is doing great with the crate training, walking on a leash, and she understands a few basic commands.
I would fill my home with SwissRidge Doodles if I could! In life there are no guarantees – being the wife of a funeral director, I get that. Sherry can’t make a pup that will last forever, but she takes every precaution and tests every way possible to be sure she is starting with the best of the best. There is something very special about a SwissRidge puppy and the kennel that they come from. I’m not sure if it is because Abbie is my fourth dog, or if it was the imprinting Abbie did for 5 weeks, or if Sherry has figured out the perfect combination. Whatever it is, all I can say is that Abbie is truly an amazing addition to our fabulous pack!”
~Maura Murphy

Abbie (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Hamiltons
Scottsdale, AZ
“We are so in love with our SwissRidge Doodle! Abbie (Couscous) has blended beautifully into our family and we couldn’t be happier. My husband, who is severely allergic to most dogs, is able to cuddle her without reacting at all. Her temperament is amazing…enough energy to be playful with the kids, but a calm and gentle side too. Thank you, Sherry Rupke, for finding our perfect match!” ~Leah Hamilton

Aspen (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Gibbses
Alberta, Canada
“Aspen is a 17 lb. happy, funny, smart, confident, loyal, playful pup who loves to play with her toys with or without someone. She was potty trained very quickly in the first month and loves her big sis (Aunt) Willow (Willow is a Golden mountain doodle from SwissRidge and she is from Lazeeza and Henry’s litter).
Willow has a best friend, a Doberman, that we walk with. They were a good match when they were young because they were both shy. As time has passed, he has become a bit of a grump and not much into other dogs other than Willow. I took Aspen over to his house to introduce them and was worried she would get put in her place by mister grump. Willow is so easy-going with her, she thinks she can play with any dog big or small. So she surprised me and she read this other dog perfectly, she didn’t pounce on him or run at him. She kept approaching him very slowly and drew him in with her love and gentle approach. Within half an hour he allowed her in his bed for a snuggle. WOW!
We had an advantage knowing what we were getting as we have Willow (GMD) from Aspen’s mom, same litter. Love the mixture of the best of the temperaments of each. She is goofy, loving, loyal, cuddly and super smart. We chose the SWD because we loved Willow so much and liked that Aspen was a part of the same lineage as Willow and that she would be smaller than Willow. Perfect combo!
I had an Irish Setter growing up – very loving but dumb and not well trained. We had a Lab as our first family dog and he had so many health issues I am now good friends with my Vet. He was great, but lacking some traits and when I asked Sherry for those traits we loved about him and the ones that were missing, she gave them all to us with Willow. The one downfall with Willow is her extreme submissive nature. Aspen has all we love about Willow but with added confidence, even smarter if possible.
We would consider getting another SwissRidge dog after these two are gone, but for now we are at our limit. 🙂 If you are planning on getting a dog from SwissRidge, be prepared to explain what kind of dog you have to everyone, because it isn’t straightforward and everyone will stop you because they are so cute, funny and loving.” ~Linda Gibbs

Ellie (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Sullivans
Marblehead, MA
“We celebrated our one year Gotcha Day last month (Aug. 18, 2016) with our Ellie (Adele) and we love her so much! She has been such a gift to our family. Not having been dog owners – ever…even as kids, we had no idea how much you could love a dog! She has been a great comfort to our 15-year-old daughter who lost her best friend to cancer two years ago. Ellie is very sweet and so pretty. I will say that having a puppy is A LOT of work, and no one should ever think otherwise. She has a lot of energy to burn but is a good girl most of the time. She is VERY protective of us in the house and barks at any sound outside (which we have to train her out of). She loves to cuddle and loves belly rubs. She loves to chew sticks and go after bugs. We live near the ocean and she JUST went swimming. She had always been afraid of the waves and would run back and forth but never go in. Throwing the ball did the trick finally and in she went. She goes to a ‘puppy play group’ once a week and sometimes we board her there when we go away and they LOVE her and tell us she is the best dog! She is now 37 lbs. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful new family member!” ~Kate Sullivan

Emma (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Wapplers
South Freeport, ME
“Emma is the easiest puppy we have every raised! She is confident, curious and cuddly. Emma was fully housebroken at 12 weeks; she had very clear signals, always walking toward the door making sure she had eye contact with us each time. She has always been calm and relaxed in the car. Emma’s favorite game is hide and seek in the ferns, and exploring the woods near our house. During a burst of puppy energy we can pick Emma up and she completely relaxes in our arms, settling down immediately, a dream for any pet owner. Emma is very responsive to her commands, she is always watching and listening especially to her big sister Eala (our older English Goldendoodle from SwissRidge).
We cannot tell you how often a car stops in front of our house while we are out in the yard with the dogs; people are drawn to Emma and Eala and just have to meet them. We took Emma at 12 weeks old to the airport to pick up a family member. We were parked in the cell phone parking lot sitting with Emma on the tailgate, people watching. In a matter of minutes we had six strangers who came over to meet Emma. She adores the attention and loves to meet new people. Everyone was amazed to see a young puppy so well behaved and at ease with the amount of stimulation an airport can provide. Emma never ceases to amaze us, she is always ready for a new experience and responds with such grace.
While teaching Emma the ‘down’ command, Emma hesitated to comply so instead of getting into a power struggle, we called over our other dog Eala and Emma watched her big sister show her how it’s done. Before we knew it Emma was following our ‘down’ command like a pro! Emma’s level of intelligence and how quickly she learns new things looked to be effortless for her.
My husband and I work in the home building and design field, we are always working on a project in our home; our pets are exposed to many loud sounds on a daily basis. When Emma was 15 weeks old we were jack hammering the concrete floor in the basement. Emma was one floor above when the loud hammering began. Emma paused her playing, looked around the room, and went right back to playing as if nothing was happening. We were amazed and impressed by her quick assessment and how this just speaks to her character and her gentle nature.
At 16 weeks we had Emma evaluated by our dog trainer, and she delighted him. He told us Emma was going to be a breeze to train and could not believe how mellow she was. He has a lot of experience with doodles and most of the doodles he trains are a bit high strung. Emma surprised him with her easy-going nature; every test she was given she passed with flying colors.
We cannot say enough good things about our experience with SwissRidge Kennels and Sherry Rupke. We are clients for life and so blessed to have found Sherry. She is the most connected and dedicated breeder we have ever met. Sherry’s passion for breeding her dogs comes through in each puppy. We are blessed to have two SwissRidge pups. Thank you to Sherry and the entire SwissRidge staff for all you do and helping bring such joy into our life.” ~Andrea Wappler

Indy (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Paquettes
Burlington, ON
“First let me say that Indy is my second dog from Sherry. Our first is a Tiny Bernedoodle, Fenway (Kia x Loki) born July 27, 2014. I thought no dog could be more perfect than Fenway but Indy is a whole different level of perfect. He is an old soul in a puppy’s body. He is goofy, sweet, affectionate, smart and so
calm. He likes to sit back and watch new situations and then jump in with all four paws. He is a good listener and he loves to lean on his humans or sit on their feet. It is hard to describe in words just how unique he is, like a human in a dog’s body and, of course, he is ridiculously cute! He loves water, people and other dogs. Indy is the class clown and has what is fondly referred to as the SwissRidge Doodle smile. He is so well balanced and loving, we can’t wait to watch him grow even more.
Sherry once again picked the perfect puppy for our family. At first I was nervous about not picking my own dog, but having done it not once but twice now, I would never do it any other way! She seems to know exactly what every family and situation needs. Last but not least, I have made a new family of wonderful friends through the SwissRidge community. If you see the SwissRidge Facebook page, you will know exactly what I am referring to!” ~Andrea Paquette

Jeffrey (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owner: Maria Hyde
South Salem, NY
“I just had to write and tell you how amazing my Jeffrey is. I know, I know, I know. Everyone thinks their dog is amazing. Well, from you, they all are! However, Jeffrey is extra amazing.
He was potty trained by 12 weeks. Could sit and wait by 10 weeks. He plays and plays A LOT! He plays hard and sleeps harder. He loves his crate. Thank you for reminding me how important that is. 🙂 He’s the lover of love.
Not only is he sweet, kind [yes, kind], my neighbor’s daughter, Sophie, who is three, comes to visit him. He waits for her every morning. Sophie and Jeffrey are a hoot together. The cutest ever! Which is why it’s so important to me that he’s kind and gentle [did nip for a while but I just channeled that elsewhere]. Sophie adores her Jeffrey [well, my Jeffrey] but she adores him as if he were her own. He’s everyone’s Jeffrey. I can go on and on, but for the sake of getting this email off to you, I won’t.
Sherry, thank you for being who you are. I feel like you’re a part of my family now even though we only met once, the day I drove 10+ hours to pick up my bundle of joy. When you gave him to me I cried because I couldn’t believe I was so lucky to have him. Thank you for that.
You bring that joy to so many. Your breeding of these amazing pups is so special. You are so special. You love what you do and it shows in every one of your dogs. They are kind and gentle because they were raised from day one by kind and gentle people.
I can’t thank you enough for Jeffrey James Hyde. He’s delicious and he’s loved and he’s oh so spoiled [in a good way]. I’ll be back for another, I’m pretty darn sure. But just wanted to tell you how blessed I feel and how grateful I am every day that Jeffrey is mine.
With love, respect, and so much gratitude.
Maria xo” ~Maria Hyde

Payton (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Hannas
Lake Worth, FL
“A day in the life of Payton is always an adventure. She lives on a horse farm with seven other dogs. She is the perfect mix of confidence and loyalty. Every morning she will swim, run and play with the pack, but will always find me and check in throughout the morning.
In the afternoon, she is my shadow. She follows me around and wants to be included in everything I do. She will ride on the tractor, golf cart, four wheeler or just sit and watch me ride.
When in the house, she turns off the energy and loves to cuddle and be a lap dog. I have never had an active puppy (or a dog) that loves to sleep in every morning. I told Sherry exactly what my daily life entailed and she picked the perfect puppy! She is 10 months old and approximately 35 lbs. The only problem with these dogs is that once you have one, you will want another!” ~Judy Hanna

Rooney (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owner: Julia Todaro
Avalon, NJ
“Aside from being an adorable teddy bear, Rooney’s temperament is amazing! We’ve put him to the test, and so far, he has been down for every adventure – kayaking, paddle boarding, the ocean, the lake, the pool, you name it! He loves long, fast paced walks, running off leash on the beach, and playing fetch until he drops. But, at the end of the day, he’ll cozy right up and chill. Rooney has been great in the car and around loud noises. He hasn’t met a person or a dog that he hasn’t loved and kissed to pieces (especially my parents’ dog, Remi, who happens to be his littermate).
At just four months old, he has impressed us with how gentle he is around our very young nieces and nephews. Training him has been a breeze. After having him for just an hour, we couldn’t imagine life without him. These have been the best two months ever so far! We are so thankful to Sherry and her ability to pick the right fur baby for you.” ~Julia Todaro
Julia’s parents also own a SwissRidge doodle from the same litter!

Ruckus (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Legresleys
Toronto, ON
“Ruckus is now over a year old and he is still a bundle of love and energy. We couldn’t be happier with him! Everything about him, from his well-balanced temperament to his adorable face, makes us feel so lucky. Ruckus loves to go to dog parks around the city, come to the office and play with my colleagues, and hang out at the cottage with my extended family. He is extremely friendly and wants everyone to give him scratches but he is also quite happy just lying on the bed and cuddling with us on weekend mornings.
We have been so impressed with the experience we had at SwissRidge. You can tell how much you love every dog that you breed and how important it is to you that they find their perfect home. We also find the Facebook page that you have created to be an invaluable tool. As first time dog owners it is extremely helpful to tap into the resources and knowledge that all the members have. Thank you for giving us such an amazing puppy, we couldn’t be happier.” ~Caroline Legresley

Remi (Parents: Willow x Levi)
Owners: The Todaros
Avalon, NJ
Remi is a SwissRidge doodle. He is a puppy out of Willow and Levi. He resides in New Jersey with the Todaro family. Kathy says: “Remi is now just over 4 months old, he has been such a great addition to our family.
Remi is so affectionate to us, and everyone he meets, including other dogs. He is very smart with a strong will, he is quick to learn. Remi is up for anything we want to do. He loves the outdoors, he kayaks, paddle boards, swims, and enjoys walking on the beach.
Sometimes Remi likes to sit and watch, and take everything in, he is very alert.
Remi’s favorite pastime is playing with his oh so cute brother, Rooney. It is so entertaining to watch the two of them interact.
Remi is everything we could want in a dog, active and curious, sweet and calm.
Keep up the good work. I’m sure you are making so many dog lovers extremely happy! Sincerely, The Todaro Family” ~Kathy Todaro

Kuki (Parents: Autumn x Wookie)
Owners: The Kim family
Greenwich, CT
Kuki is a SwissRidge doodle who lives in Greenwich, CT with the Kim family. This was what Kuki’s family has to say about him “Kuki is like a person in a dog’s body. We adore this crazy eyed, gentle, goofy soul. He amazes us every day.
He is still a puppy, but we can see the calm and chill dogs he is becoming. Kuki is goofy, sweet, affectionate, sometimes too smart, sometimes stubborn, and so chill. He seems indifferent to strangers but adores his family. He loves other dogs, car rides, apples, his dog hiking group, and belly rubs. He forgets how big he is and will try to fold himself onto our laps for belly rubs!
He is a chocolate thunder and loves to run around the yard several times a day, and he is fast!
He is so easy to train, very food motivated and willing to please. He looks hilarious when he knows he’s doing well and is getting lots of praise and affection.
We’ve had many dogs in our lives, but Kuki is the best we’ve had. We wish everyone in their lives could own their own ‘Kuki’! People fall in love with his looks, then once they interact with him, with his loving nature.”

« Golden Mountain Doodles Multiple Dogs »

We wrote the first book on Bernedoodles

This comprehensive, easy-to-read and entertaining book covers everything you need to know about this amazing hybrid. Since Bernedoodles can vary significantly in size, build, coloring, and even personality, prospective owners need advice from someone who knows the breed inside out. Who better than the breeder who created them?
Pawsh Magazine – “… insightful tips for finding the right breed and puppy for your family dynamic.”
Thinking of adopting a SwissRidge™ puppy?
Often people will want one of my dogs because they are irresistibly adorable. Please take the time to consider if this breed is the right choice for you and your family. Click the link above to answer some questions to help you see if our doodles are the best match for you.